Jan Zwilling

Science communicator at Leibniz-IZW
+4930 5168 121 zwilling@izw-berlin.de
My passion is communication and environmental storytelling that builds on excellent science and ingenuity. For millenia, humans have passed on knowledge from one generation to another through stories. This went a long way in changing the world for the better. And now we need to change it – and us – once again, to stop being apart from nature and to become a part of nature again. GAIA is all of that and I love being a part of it!
Photos by Jon Juarez and Ami Vitale

Jan studied geography at Humboldt-University and worked in science communication throughout his entire career for various scientific organisations. Since 2018 he helps spreading the word about the research for conservation conducted at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo und Wildlife Research. Combining his passion for nature photography and science communication he strives to tell visual stories about scientific advances that significantly help nature conservation. He is a member of the German Society for Nature Photography (GDT) and a founding board member of the Conservation and Research Fund (CRF).

Within GAIA, Jan coordinates the communication with the press and media, with partners and with relevant stakeholders.